My FaMiLy



PuNks NOT DeaD

So Fucking What

Guest Book Page


......................................................................BiTCH AND RaZaR.......................................................

Me and my man Ray....back when we were just a LOT younger !!!!!!!! Those were the Days!! This is where MY LOVE FOR PUNK began....................I had just turned 20...

Broni - BiTCH.................Ray - RaZaR

>>>>>>>.Arent We Cute?>>>>>>>>>
I found Ray....Mohawk , Doc Martins...I was in LOVE.....

....................Bitch & Razar..................
............I LOVED MY BLUE HAIR...................

>>>>>>>..If i couldnt do my hair............ I would play with Rays........
And As We Get Older....
Over the past ten years we have looked almost normal........not for long though....!!
10 years later & we are still fuckin good lookin!!
No Remorse
Look At Us Now>>>>>>>>

....Sid & Nancy.........
>>>>Me & My Pink Hair>>>>


........PUNKS NOT DEAD.............